Decide your navigation and URL structure
Make your navigation dynamic and adjustable by content creators. For the items in your navigation, you need to decide how to construct their URLs and how to identify each item.
Choose URL structure
4 minutes
When building a web app, you need to decide what your URLs are going to look like. Do you need hierarchical URLs or short URLs? Do you need the URLs to be human-readable? Let's look at several options you can choose from.
Differentiate languages in your URLs
1 minute
If you're building a multilingual website, consider how to differentiate the languages, locales, and regional variants of your content in your URLs.You can have several regional variants of a single language (British English, American English, Canadian English), multiple different languages (English, Spanish, French), or a combination of both.
Avoid 404s with redirects
5 minutes
Redirects ensure that people find your content even after its URL is changed. For instance, when you autogenerate SEO-friendly URLs for your articles, these URLs change when you rename the articles.This lesson explores how to approach redirects based on your needs. All the approaches mentioned here let your business users manage the redirects without any developer help.