Set up webhooks in
Time to set up a webhook for your webhook endpoint and specify what events will trigger your webhook.With a working webhook endpoint that's available online, you can use the endpoint’s URL when setting up webhooks in
Webhook events
When you set up a webhook, you specify the events that trigger the webhook. These events are usually the results of specific user actions in the UI, but they can also be triggered by changes made via Management API. Webhooks can be triggered by events, such as asset events, content item events, and more. The content item events are divided between preview and published data, so you can set up your webhook to suit your needs. Choose events based on what you want to do when you receive the webhook notification.Set up a webhook
In this video, Jake Kula, our Presales Engineer, walks you through setting up a webhook that’s triggered by a specific workflow step event.This approach is great when you need to send content for translation or notify your teammates once specific content is ready.