Kontent.ai provides a selection of sample projects to showcase best practices. The Next.js sample app is based on our multi-brand sample project, illustrating how you can use a single Kontent.ai project with multiple brands and channels.Here’s how you can create your own sample project:
In Kontent.ai, click your initials in the bottom left corner.
Select Projects.
At the end of the list, click Create multi-brand project.
Select a subscription for the project.
Click Create project.
You now have a project named Sample Project. Let’s use it with the sample app!
Initialize the app
Initialize the application and its dependencies with create-next-app using either npm or yarn. Alternatively, clone the sample app’s repository and use the respective package manager to install the dependencies manually.
Prepare environment variables
In the app's root directory, you'll find the .env.local.template file. This file defines the environment variables used to configure the app.Either create a copy of .env.local.template named .env.local, or rename the file directly to .env.local.
Connect your Kontent.ai project
To connect the sample app to your project, you need to know the project environment ID.The environment ID is displayed in the Environment settings of the Sample Project you’ve created in the first step.In the env.local file, set the variable NEXT_PUBLIC_KONTENT_ENVIRONMENT_ID to your environment ID.
Choose which content to display
The Sample Project represents a fictional healthcare company with three distinct brands: Ficto Imaging, Ficto Healthtech and Ficto Surgical.Each brand has its own website and content, represented by a collection. You can select which brand's content the app displays by providing a valid collection codename in the NEXT_PUBLIC_KONTENT_COLLECTION_CODENAME variable. For example, you can set the variable to ficto_imaging.
Enable content preview
The app uses the Next.js's preview mode to display unpublished content from Kontent.ai. To enable content preview, provide a valid Delivery API key to KONTENT_PREVIEW_API_KEY environment variable.
In Kontent.ai, click the left drop-down at the top to open a list of projects.
For the Sample Project, click .
In Project settings > API keys > Delivery API keys, click Create Delivery API key.
Run the app
Start a Node development server.The application will open automatically in your browser at http://localhost:3000.
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