Display customized images
With image optimization and art direction in mind, let’s go through how to display customized images in your app so that they appear just as content creators intended.
How customized images are stored
Behind the scenes, customized images are stored as asset renditions with metadata describing how to transform the original image. The following JSON example from Delivery API shows an asset element containing the image. Notice therenditions
property in the asset’s value
, which specifies how to customize the image.
"type": "asset",
"name": "Image",
"value": [
"name": "iStock-1140334771.jpg",
"description": null,
"type": "image/jpeg",
"size": 4858659,
"url": "https://assets-us-01.kc-usercontent.com/40886722-9bde-00cb-08d7-36b32d4a6d7b/9858cb0a-46de-4d5e-8970-42222e35463d/iStock-1140334771.jpg",
"width": 3863,
"height": 2578,
"renditions": {
"default": {
"rendition_id": "7618a0e0-ce51-4748-b404-e0b828861c69",
"preset_id": "a6d98cd5-8b2c-4e50-99c9-15192bce2490",
"width": 1600,
"height": 1200,
"query": "w=1600&h=1200&fit=clip&rect=1539,0,1600,1200"
to the asset’s url
Display customized images
When you get a content item with an asset element, check if the asset element specifies an asset rendition and then apply the rendition. Content creators can create only a single customization per image, so it’s safe to use the default rendition for all images.
The JavaScript SDK can apply asset renditions automatically for you. To automatically use the default asset rendition, provide the
configuration option when initializing the Delivery client.Sign in with your Kontent.ai credentials or sign up for free to unlock the full lesson, track your progress, and access exclusive expert insights and tips!