Content strategy in a nutshell

Tomas Nosek, Michael Andrews, David Klement
8 minutes
0% complete
Discover what content strategy is and how it helps to make your content operations more efficient and reach the intended audience at the right time.

What is content strategy?

A content strategy provides decision-making directives for all activities related to content operationsIn today’s fast-paced digital environment, many content teams feel like they have more work than time. That’s where a functional content strategy can be of help. It determines the planning and processes for creating and delivering useful and relevant content that reaches the intended audience at the right time:
  • Content goals – it’s essential to know what you want to achieve with your content.
  • Ownership and priorities – who decides what to work on and based on what priorities?
  • Process – content creation machine needs to run smoothly based on well-defined rules.
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