Positive: The perfect blend of marketing expertise and technical ability
Say hello to Positive, our October 2023 “Partner of the Month”, and take a trip into their unique brand story.
Shea Gerula
Oct 2, 2023
I am the Global Director of Field Marketing at Kontent.ai. I specialize in events, sponsorship, and advertising marketing to deliver unique and memorable experiences, promote revenue opportunities that build brand equity, stimulate product sales, and increase customer satisfaction.
Say hello to Positive, our October 2023 “Partner of the Month”, and take a trip into their unique brand story.
Shea Gerula
Oct 2, 2023
The MACH TWO conference has concluded – what was it like, and what are some of the key takeaways? Let’s dive in to find out.
Shea Gerula
Jun 30, 2023
Start your journey. We’ll show you a better way to work with content.