How to create more with less: 9 tips for content creators

You’ve probably faced the challenge of doing more with less. But here’s the good news: with the right tools and strategies, you can boost both your productivity and content quality. Let’s dive into some practical ways to streamline your writing, editing, and collaboration processes, and make the most of what you have.

Zaneta Styblova

Published on Aug 26, 2024

A woman in a coffee shop writing notes when looking at her phone

Writing and editing: Work smarter, not harder

Balancing speed with accuracy can be tricky, but with the right tools and strategies, you can streamline your workflow without sacrificing quality. From leveraging AI for tedious tasks to ensuring your content is both readable and accessible, there are several smart approaches you can take to make your writing and editing process smoother. Here’s how you can work smarter, not harder, and keep your content consistently top-notch.

Batch similar tasks together

Batching tasks—grouping similar activities together and completing them in one sitting—can significantly boost your efficiency and creative output. When you switch between different types of tasks, your brain needs time to adjust, leading to what’s known as “context switching.” This constant shifting can drain your mental energy and slow down your progress. By batching similar tasks, you stay in the same mindset and workflow, which allows you to complete tasks more quickly and with greater focus.

For example, instead of writing a blog post, editing a video, and creating social media updates all in one day, set aside a block of time to write multiple blog posts in one sitting. Then, on another day, focus solely on editing videos or designing graphics. This way, you’re not constantly shifting gears, which can disrupt your concentration and reduce your overall productivity.
  • Pro tip: Use a tool like Todoist to create themed workdays or time blocks for different types of tasks. For instance, dedicate Monday mornings to prioritizing and finalizing tasks, Tuesday mornings to brainstorming and outlining ideas, Wednesday afternoons to drafting and writing, Thursday mornings to editing, and Fridays to optimizing content. By sticking to a consistent schedule, you’ll develop a routine that makes it easier to dive into each task with the right mindset.

Let AI handle tedious tasks

AI can be a lifesaver when it comes to repetitive tasks like adding alt text to images or generating meta descriptions. These are tasks that, while important, don’t require deep creative thinking. By letting AI take care of them, you free up more time to focus on what really matters—crafting compelling narratives and strategies.
  • Pro tip: If you’re using a headless CMS like, you can leverage AI to generate alt text for your images automatically. This feature not only saves time but also enhances accessibility by creating descriptions in multiple languages. To do this, simply use the AI image descriptions tool within With just a few clicks, you can generate and translate alt text for your images, making your content more inclusive and efficient.

Leverage AI tools like Grammarly to improve readability

If you’re not already using tools like Grammarly, you’re missing out on a valuable resource to enhance your writing. Grammarly isn’t just about fixing typos; it also helps improve the readability of your content. Readability refers to how easy it is for someone to understand your writing. Even if your sentences are grammatically correct, they can still be difficult to absorb if they’re too long or complex.

Grammarly provides a readability score that indicates how simple or challenging your text is to read. This score is calculated based on the length of your sentences and words. For most general audiences, a score of 60 or higher is ideal. This score ensures that your writing is clear and easy to follow, without being overly simplified.
  • Pro tip: When you’re working in the Grammarly Editor, check your readability score under the Performance section. Aim for a score of 60 or higher to make sure your content is accessible to a broad audience, which includes readers at about an eighth-grade reading level. This simple step can help you create content that’s easier for your audience to engage with and understand.

Stick to checklists for consistent quality

When you’re trying to produce content quickly, it’s easy for small details to slip through the cracks. That’s where checklists become your best friend. They ensure that every piece of content meets your quality standards, keeping your work both consistent and polished, even when you’re moving fast.

Use a tool like Notion to create and manage your checklists. Start by outlining the key steps and quality checks for each type of content you produce. Organize these into templates that you can easily duplicate for new projects, ensuring that nothing gets overlooked, no matter how tight your deadlines are.

Here’s a short checklist that we at use for content quality:
  • Pro tip: To help you get started, we’ve put together a free white paper that dives deep into the essentials of content quality, velocity, and availability. It includes essential checklists and tips that can guide your team in maintaining high standards across all your content efforts.

Collaboration: Simplify and streamline

To keep your content production running smoothly, it’s essential to regularly assess and refine the tools and processes your team relies on. Let’s explore how to do that effectively with the right tools.

Audit your tools and feedback processes

Too many tools can lead to inefficiencies, especially if your team is using multiple platforms for communication, feedback, and project management. Take stock of all the tools your team is using and consider where you might be able to consolidate or streamline.

  • Pro tip: Use a tool like Lucidchart to create a feedback flowchart that maps out where different types of feedback should go and who is responsible for each step. By visualizing your current process, you can identify redundancies and areas for improvement, ultimately leading to a more efficient workflow.

Measure and optimize your workflows

Understanding how your team works is crucial to boosting efficiency and productivity. Start by mapping out your current workflows in detail, from the initiation of a task to its completion. Track how long each step takes and identify where delays or bottlenecks occur. Are there recurring obstacles that slow down progress, or steps that could be streamlined? By analyzing these factors, you can pinpoint areas for improvement, make informed decisions on how to optimize processes, and ultimately help your team work more smoothly and effectively. Regularly reviewing and refining these workflows will ensure that your team remains agile and efficient as your projects evolve.
  • Pro tip: Break down your workflows into super-specific steps. For example, rather than having a single step for “content review,” break it down into “initial review,” “SEO check,” “final proofread,” etc. This level of detail allows you to see exactly where time is being spent and where processes can be tightened.

Content reuse: Get more mileage from your work

Make the most of your content by reusing what you already have in smart and efficient ways. Whether you’re updating old content, repurposing it for different platforms, or creating reusable elements, these strategies will help you keep your content fresh and effective.

Upcycle old content to keep it fresh

Instead of constantly creating new content from scratch, consider giving your existing content a fresh update. Look through your current content assets to identify pieces that can be enhanced with new information, updated statistics, or a different angle. For instance, we recently updated The ultimate guide to a headless CMS by incorporating the latest statistics and trends and adjusting the copy to match our new, more conversational tone of voice. This approach is especially valuable for evergreen content that remains relevant but could use a refresh to maintain its value over time.

  • Pro tip: Conduct regular content audits to identify pieces that need refreshing. Use a dedicated board or project to track the last update dates of high-performing and time-sensitive content. This system allows you to monitor which pieces require updates and when, helping you plan and schedule updates efficiently. By maintaining a clear record, you can keep your content relevant and accurate without overwhelming your team.

Repurpose content across different formats and platforms

Maximize the value of your content by repurposing it across various formats and channels. For example, a single blog post can be transformed into a series of social media updates, an infographic, a podcast episode, or even a video. This strategy not only saves time but also helps you reach different audiences on multiple platforms.

  • Pro tip: Develop a content repurposing strategy that maps out how each piece of content can be adapted for different uses. For instance, after releasing a white paper, plan to extract key points for blog posts, social media snippets, and an email campaign. By strategically repurposing content, you extend its lifespan and increase its reach across different channels.

Create reusable content building blocks

When you use a headless CMS like, you have the advantage of creating content in modular chunks that can be easily reused across different parts of your site. This not only ensures consistency but also makes it quicker to update content everywhere.
  • Pro tip: Work with your developers to create content elements that can be reused across your site. Tools like Figma can be great for designing these elements before they’re implemented in your CMS. This approach saves time and ensures a cohesive look and feel throughout your content.

Final thoughts: Do more with less, the smart way

By taking advantage of AI tools, refining your workflows, and making the most out of the content you already have, you can achieve more with less. The key is to work smarter, not harder—leveraging technology and strategic planning to boost both productivity and content quality. Whether you’re optimizing your writing process, streamlining collaboration, or reusing content in creative ways, these strategies will help you maximize your efforts and achieve better results with fewer resources.

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