What does native GraphQL support in Kontent.ai bring for devs?

GraphQL or REST API? What is the best way to fetch content from a headless CMS, and are there any disadvantages?

Ondrej Polesny

Published on Nov 29, 2021

In this article, I will introduce Kontent.ai’s new native GraphQL endpoint, explain GraphQL benefits from the developer’s point of view, show how to use it in JavaScript, and compare GraphQL to REST API to find out if and how one is significantly better than the other.

What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is a way of fetching data. It’s an alternative to REST API, and many call it the “new” way of getting data. These are my top reasons for using GraphQL:

  • Fetches only the data you need
  • Does not require you to study docs for hours to learn the API specifics
  • Allows you to combine multiple data sources in a single query

This is what a simple GraphQL query looks like:

query {
  content_All (limit: 3){
    items {
      teaser {

Note: content in this context is a codename of a content type.

It fetches titles, teasers, and slugs of 3 articles for a website homepage, as that’s all we need for that page. The response is minimalistic JSON:

  "data": {
    "content_All": {
      "items": [
          "title": "Flexbox vs Grid - How...",
          "teaser": {
            "html": "<p>There are so many..."
          "localSlug": "flexbox-vs-grid"
          "title": "Can You Switch Your Headless...",
          "title": "Gatsby source plugin...",

So, where are we on the “no need to read docs” point? How do we actually know that there are articles and that they each have a title and a teaser?

GraphQL comes with a schema. It’s a map of all your content, and it’s a great source of information for GraphiQL or GraphQL Playground (works online) that allows you to build and test your queries. Let’s take a look at it.

Build and test GraphQL queries

Open the online playground. First, you need to add the Kontent.ai endpoint URL, which is https://graphql.kontent.ai/<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>:

GraphQL Playground

When you enter the playground, expand the Schema tab on the right. You’ll see the generated schema of your project:

Playground schema

But that’s not the best part. On the left, write this query syntax:

query {


And hit CTRL+SPACE (or OPTION+SPACE on Mac) with your cursor within the curly brackets. You’ll see an IntelliSense popup that shows you all available data:

Playground Intelisense

We don’t really need to know the complete project structure or understand the API specifics. We can navigate through the available items and mark the data and properties we need for our use case. Curly brackets expand the current item, parentheses let you filter, limit, and order. The play button executes the query and shows you the fetched data:

Playground: Play

Try it out with your project and build a query that’s useful for your project.

Using GraphQL in your JavaScript project

Now that we have our query, how can we use it in our JS projects?

With REST API, we were used to leveraging third-party tools like Axios, Request, or Fetch (which is now widely available in browsers) to compose and execute the queries. With GraphQL, we need to use Apollo Client:

npm install @apollo/client graphql

We create the client and configure it to use the right endpoint:

import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache } from '@apollo/client'
const client = new ApolloClient({
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),
  uri: 'https://graphql.kontent.ai/<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>'/

Note: If you’re using React and need the client on many pages throughout your app, you can use the ApolloProvider component that wraps your React app and lets you use React hook useQuery to fetch data.

Then, you can start fetching data with your GraphQL queries:

import { gql, useQuery } from '@apollo/client'
const response = await client.query({
  query: gql`
    query {
      content_All (limit: 3){
        items {
          teaser {


The client returns data in JSON, so you can directly use it in your components:

response.data.content_All.items.map((article) =>
  <Article data={article} />

GraphQL vs. REST API

So what’s better, GraphQL or REST API? Let’s do a quick pros and cons list:

  • The syntax of queries is unified, so if you hire a new developer, they don’t need to understand the API prior to working with its data. The data fetching, filtering, ordering, and other operations have the same syntax among various data providers.
  • It lets you avoid overfetching (getting more data than you need) and underfetching (not being able to get all needed data in a single request resulting in the need for additional requests). 
  • If you keep the GraphQL queries at a reasonable size, they are easily readable.
  • GraphQL works with types and schema, which makes it simple to create queries with tools like GraphiQL.
  • When using multiple data sources, GraphQL allows front-end devs to focus on the implementation rather than on becoming experts on all the used APIs.
  • It is a very robust, universal, and proven way of data communication.
  • It’s supported on all platforms.
  • It works well for complex queries.
  • Fetch API is widely supported by modern browsers, which allows you to perform REST API requests on the client-side with zero overhead.
  • If your GraphQL queries are too complex, their syntax becomes unreadable even if you have an idea of “what’s going on.”
  • The fetched content is dynamic, making it hard to map to strongly typed models.
  • Not all platforms support it.
  • Almost all REST queries suffer from overfetching, underfetching, or both, even though APIs provide ways to resolve or minimize this. That affects performance, used bandwidth, etc.
  • REST does not provide types or schema, so any API is only as good as its documentation. You need to read docs in order to understand what queries you can execute and what results you can expect.

I’m afraid there’s no clear winner. As always, it depends on your project and its requirements.

GraphQL was originally created to streamline data fetching from multiple sources—to allow developers to focus on their implementation rather than spend half of their days reading docs. And it does that perfectly. GraphQL can make a real difference in data fetching simplicity for large projects that require content from Kontent.ai, products from Shopify, user data from the PostgreSQL database, and so on. If you’re interested in this topic, you can check out my article about Apollo.

For smaller projects where we mainly work with content from a single source—the headless CMS—GraphQL is nothing new. We’ve already seen it in Gatsby or Gridsome, and we’ve learned that it helps with development speed a lot. If you manage to keep your queries at a reasonable size, there are not many disadvantages. Especially now when Kontent.ai features a native GraphQL endpoint hosted on the global Fastly CDN.


In this article, I explained what GraphQL is and how it compares to REST API. I showed you how to build GraphQL queries using the visual builder connected to your project’s endpoint and how to fetch content with GraphQL in JavaScript projects.

If you’re interested in GraphQL and React, definitely check out the Kontent.ai React GraphQL sample app on our GitHub. And if you have any questions or comments, join our Discord and let us know!

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