
Build fast and secure sites with Statiq.

Integrate with Statiq to start building powerful Jamstack sites!

Statiq is the leading static site generation platform for .NET that you can use out of the box or extend with custom pipelines, data sources, and layouts.

Why and Statiq work together

Combine Kontent with Statiq to create quality content for your Jamstack site
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    Enjoy the benefits of the Jamstack

    There are many reasons why people are moving to Jamstack sites—speed, dramatically enhanced security, a better developer experience, hosting set up in minutes, and more.

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    Be always up to date

    With Statiq, you don’t have to manage a server and install updates and patches. Moreover, is a SaaS-based modular content platform, so there’s no need for you to worry about back-end performance, upgrades, maintenance, and security.

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    Create great content for your visitors’s streamlined authoring environment enables you to plan, create, and collaborate with your team members on content for your Jamstack site. If needed, your content is ready to be reused across other websites, channels, or campaigns.

Tutorials and additional resources