Embrace composable architecture

David Klement
3 minutes
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Discover various benefits of composable architecture as opposed to monolith architecture. You’ll also learn what the MACH alliance is and why it’s important for you that Kontent.ai is one of its members.

From monolithic to composable architecture

A digital experience platform (DXP) is a system for managing all your content and campaigns and shaping an optimal customer journey. Traditional DXPs are monolithic. That means all their tools come bundled together and you don’t have many options to pick and choose which tools you want to use and which to leave out. These platforms are usually large complex systems that are, due to their size, slow to react to digital market changes. Moreover, it takes a long time to get them set up. With all the functionality baked in, there’s always the danger of ending up in a vendor lock-in. A vendor lock-in means that you can’t reasonably easily integrate tools from other vendors that suit your needs better. These are just some of the reasons why DXPs need to be composable. Composable solutions are built from smaller units, out of which you can select which you need and which you don’t. These units are called packaged business capabilities (PBCs). They’re task-oriented, and you can deploy them independently. With a composable approach, you can use PBCs to build your own tailored DXP that enables you to react quickly to changing business needs and customer demands.

Benefits of composable

With a composable architecture, you can pick the best-of-breed tools and seamlessly integrate them into your ecosystem. If you later want to replace one of the tools with a better one from another vendor, you can just swap the tools. No need to migrate your whole tool stack to that other vendor.
With a composable architecture platform built on Kontent.ai, you can reach your customers via whatever channel they use. You deliver your structured content from Kontent.ai to websites, mobile apps, smart fridges, or any other channels you need.
With composable architecture, you can quickly react to what your data tells you. You can update the tool stack as required, adjust your customer journey, and create personalized experiences to delight your customers.

Kontent.ai is in the MACH alliance – what does it mean for you?

MACH stands for Microservices-based, API-first, Cloud-based, and Headless. The MACH alliance is a non-profit vendor-agnostic institution that advocates for open and best-of-breed enterprise technology ecosystems. Let’s dissect the acronym to see what it means for your organization.
Microservices are the bricks you build your solution from. They form the heart of the composable approach. They’re developed and deployed independently, and you can combine them to create the ecosystem that suits your business needs the best.
Using a CMS with APIs lets you separate content management from services and your customer-facing apps or websites. This goes hand-in-hand with the composability of microservices – all the building bricks are decoupled, and you can swap one service with another without disrupting the rest of the ecosystem.
The headless approach is another piece of the composability puzzle. A headless CMS decouples your content repository from your customer-facing websites or apps. That means your developers can use their favorite proven technologies, and delivering your content to multiple websites, apps, and other channels is much easier.
Kontent.ai is a cloud-native software as a service (SaaS). That means you get to use an always-up-to-date CMS without dealing with upgrades, hosting, security, or maintenance costs. You focus on the customer experience and your apps. We take care of the rest.
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