Web Spotlight for multiple websites
When using Web Spotlight, you work with your content hierarchy as it is structured on your website. A website is a content tree with one root and many branches. But what if you need multiple websites? In this lesson, you’ll learn how to manage multiple websites in Web Spotlight.
How do you plant more trees in Web Spotlight?
As we said, a website is a content tree with one root and many branches. And in Web Spotlight, you work with your content structure in that exact way. So, how do you manage multiple websites in Web Spotlight? One tree can’t have more than one root, right? Yes, it can’t, and that’s precisely what spaces are for. Spaces are a content categorization tool specifically designed for use with websites and Web Spotlight.Multi-site solution with spaces
Create a space for each website you want to manage in Web Spotlight. For each space you create, you set one Web Spotlight root item that serves as a top-level item for the website tree in that particular space.To enjoy the benefits of Web Spotlight and spaces fully, cooperate with your developers to set up preview URLs for each space. The main benefit of spaces is that you can set up different previews for different spaces.Once you have set up the spaces and their previews, go to
Web Spotlight to build the tree for each website you manage. You can switch between the trees using the menu in the upper-left corner.