Blog author

Michael Andrews

Michael is a former Content Strategy Evangelist at

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Content creators using generative AI
  • Content operations
Why invest in generative AI for content?

Will your business become more profitable if it invests in generative AI for content? Learn how investing in AI can boost financial benefits from your content.

Michael Andrews

Aug 15, 2023

Copywriters discussing generative AI
  • Content operations
Common misconceptions about generative AI

Generative AI doesn’t just generate content -- it can spark diverging opinions about its value. It offers many benefits, but diligence is necessary to realize its value.

Michael Andrews

Jul 13, 2023

Marketers discussing content federation
  • Content operations
Content federation doesn’t deliver unified publishing

Some vendors are encouraging enterprises to federate their content silos. Find out why content federation – using multiple CMSs to publish content – can create more problems than it solves.

Michael Andrews

May 29, 2023

Content creator writing modular content
  • Content operations
Best practices for writing modular content

Modular content makes content flexible. But the process of developing modular content is still new to many content creators. What are some best practices? 

Michael Andrews

Apr 24, 2023

Content marketers discussing a content value chain
  • Content operations
How to build a strong content value chain

The content value chain can help content teams develop a consistent process to make their content valuable, so it will deliver sustained results.

Michael Andrews

Mar 13, 2023

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