Best landing page design examples

Your landing pages are the gateway to conversion. It’s the first chance you have to wow your visitors and convince them to become customers. What strategies do best-performing landing pages use?

Zaneta Styblova

Updated on Jul 23, 2024

Published on Apr 14, 2022

In the old days of digital marketing, a landing page was simply a standalone web page that users “landed” on after clicking on an ad. Today, things are more complicated. A landing page doesn’t even have to be a single page. It can be an entire website or a microsite. We’ve collected some of the best landing page design examples created by popular brands to inspire you because each of these was crafted with a specific “why” in mind.

First, let’s take a look at five tips that will help you design a great landing page:

Tips for creating awesome landing pages

  1. If you want to create a high-converting landing page in 2024, you need to have a solid understanding of your audience and their needs. The best landing pages focus on one target audience and cater specifically to them. This approach allows you to hone your messaging and optimize the design of your page around what works for that specific audience. The website visitor is less likely to feel like they’ve landed on the wrong page if they clearly see that it’s speaking to them.
  2. Most people don’t read, they scan. So make it easy for them to find what they want. Clear and simple structure, easy-to-read text, plenty of white space, and intuitive navigation will help your visitors find the piece of information they’re looking for fast.
  3. It’s also important to make sure your landing page is mobile-friendly. Smartphones have become the most common way for consumers to access the internet, so a landing page that doesn’t display well on mobile devices is likely to hurt your conversions.
  4. Keep your forms short. In general, shorter forms have higher conversion rates than longer forms.
  5. Remember to say thank you when your customer takes action. In addition to being polite, saying “thank you” is an important step in the sales process. It makes the customer feel good about themselves and their decision. It also reassures them that their transaction will be completed successfully and that they’ll receive what they were promised.

With so many companies out there all vying for the same customers, it’s no wonder you hear marketing experts talking about the importance of a good landing page. In reality, though, not everyone who creates a landing page design is going to end up getting the results they want. So what exactly do the best-converting landing pages do differently?

Create a hero section that will wow your visitors

A hero section is usually the first thing you see on a page, right below the main navigation (on some websites, the main navigation is hidden so it doesn’t distract the visitors). The hero section is usually a big, bold banner that contains a headline, a short description, and a call-to-action (CTA) button, just as you can see in the screenshot below.

Hero sections get your visitors excited about your product or service. The perfect one will grab their attention and make them want to scroll down and learn more about what you have to offer.

Your customers don’t want to read a list of features—they want to know how your product will benefit them. It’s up to you to communicate your value in a way that speaks to their needs. This is a nice example of how you can use minimalistic icons and short copy to give the visitor a clear idea of what they’ll be able to do with your product or service right below the hero section:

Elanco's Healthy Purpose

Check out the Elanco success story

Help visitors relate to your story through a timeline

One of the best ways to showcase your company’s rich history is through a timeline. A simple visual can show off your key moments and achievements while also demonstrating that your business has built up experience and trust over time. Try adding a timeline similar to this one to your landing page if you feel it could fit there:

Check out the Intralox success story

Although the first example was a vertical timeline, you can also use a horizontal one. A horizontal timeline can seamlessly integrate with a modern, wide-layout design and may complement the aesthetic of your site better, especially if you want to maintain a clean, streamlined look. Both formats can effectively highlight your milestones, so choose the one that aligns best with your brand’s visual style and user experience goals.

Turn visitors into buyers with educational content

Offering free learning resources on your landing page can really boost user engagement and trust in your brand. By providing course recommendations, interactive challenges, and progress-tracking tools, you make the learning experience enjoyable and relevant. 

This approach keeps users engaged, builds your reputation as an expert, and attracts high-quality leads. When users see the value in your educational content, they’re more likely to explore your software (or a different service or product) and consider buying it. By seamlessly integrating your product into the learning experience, you show its practical benefits, making it more appealing. In the end, offering free e-learning helps both your users succeed and drives your sales. This landing page by Salesforce makes their courses look incredibly fun and worth your time:

Explain the purchase step by step

If you’re offering a service that’s not 100% online—say, a house cleaning service—use your landing page to explain the process step by step. For example, you might include a section that explains the quickest way customers can schedule a cleaning and what information they’ll need to provide.

If you’re selling downloadable software or online services, show your customers how they’ll get access to what they’re buying. Really good landing pages include information about how long it will take for customers to get the product and what they’ll receive once the purchase has been made.

Depending on the complexity of your offer, you might want to include a drop-down FAQ section on your landing page to answer frequently asked questions. This is where you get to address objections and convince undecided visitors to buy from you. This is one of the clever landing pages that do it well:

Tell them what makes you different from the competition

You might be the best at what you do, but will your potential customers know that? Your page has to communicate your strengths and competitive advantages. Create a section that does just that. This Who We Are landing page from MAAX is a great example, as it also provides specific numbers to back up the company’s strengths:

This landing page by delaware effectively showcases the company culture by highlighting the individuality and shared values of their employees, which is a powerful approach for several reasons. 

Firstly, it humanizes the brand, making it more relatable and appealing to potential employees and clients alike. By sharing the personal stories and interests of the employees, it demonstrates the company’s commitment to authenticity and individuality.  Additionally, it emphasizes their unique mindset and collective dream, distinguishing them from competitors. Highlighting the diverse talents and passions of the team members also conveys a dynamic and inclusive work environment, which is attractive to prospective employees who value diversity and personal growth.

Be honest and use stunning visuals

When you pitch yourself to potential buyers, it’s important to be realistic and honest. Be sure to focus on the things that will help solve their problems rather than ones that are difficult to fulfill or can’t be backed up with evidence. Your customers have a problem and you have the solution—your page should reflect this by highlighting how your product or service will make their life easier.

And remember—using beautiful imagery (just like below) is key to keeping visitors on your landing page. With visuals this captivating, you might just find yourself tempted to pick up a new cookbook because you can’t resist the delicious inspiration! The page is clean, simple, and yet so mouthwatering that it practically makes you taste the dishes through the screen.

The Airbnb landing page below showcases a special Inside Out 2 accommodation designed to immerse guests in a unique experience straight out of the beloved cartoon film. By seeing these captivating photos, potential guests can easily imagine themselves enjoying this one-of-a-kind adventure, making it hard to resist booking their stay. You can’t underestimate the power of photos when building a landing page, especially for products, as they create an immediate connection and desire that words alone often can’t achieve.

As a writer, I’ve learned that the key to a great landing page is grabbing the reader’s attention right away. A catchy headline, striking visuals, and clear, persuasive content make all the difference. It’s about being concise but impactful, ensuring every word and image guides the visitor toward taking action.

Lucie Simonova

Creative Writer,

Hold your visitors’ attention with a compelling video

If you’re not using videos on your landing pages yet, you’re missing a critical piece of the puzzle. The average visitor spends 105% more time on a page that includes a video, according to Brightcove. Videos allow marketers to deliver content in an easy-to-understand format, which makes them ideal for conveying complex ideas and products in a way that doesn’t come across as too “salesy” or “pushy”.

This landing page contains a 30-second video with a powerful "You push yourself, we push the science" message. If you have the budget, consider creating a short video like this one for your page.

Using prominent videos above the fold is a modern and highly effective web design strategy. Videos immediately engage visitors, capturing their attention and conveying key messages quickly and dynamically. Placing them above the fold ensures they are seen without scrolling, maximizing their impact and encouraging users to stay longer on the page, which can significantly boost conversion rates. Check out Shopify’s home page:

Nutella’s landing page is another great example, featuring a video background where a spoon playfully swirls Nutella in the jar. This captivating visual not only grabs attention but also evokes a sense of enjoyment and indulgence, perfectly aligning with the brand’s message. Such creative use of video can transform a simple web page into an engaging and memorable experience.

HubSpot has decided to leverage videos instead of traditional case study pages—their CTA button opens a video pop-up (see below). This strategy is a highly effective way to engage visitors, as videos can convey complex information more dynamically and retain viewer attention better than text.

Engage customers with interactive discount offers and other elements

Interactive discount offers can significantly enhance the shopping experience, making it more engaging and enjoyable for customers. Such elements on your landing page not only grab attention but also encourage participation, increasing the likelihood of conversion. Here’s an example of how an e-commerce site uses a spin wheel to offer discounts and attract customers:

Speaking of interactive elements, have you ever tried incorporating quizzes, calculators, or sliders that allow users to explore how your offering can solve their problems? These tools provide personalized insights and solutions tailored to the user’s needs. For instance, a quiz can help potential customers identify the best product for their specific situation, while a calculator can demonstrate potential savings or benefits over time. Sliders can allow users to adjust variables and see real-time impacts, making the value of your product or service clear and tangible. 

This skincare products producer enhanced their website with an engaging quiz that helps users determine their skin type and recommends the most suitable products for their needs:

Never underestimate the power of testimonials

If possible, always include a testimonial on your landing page. This can help shore up the credibility of your product or service by providing social proof.

A great example of this is how we choose which restaurants to eat at on vacation. Which would you rather eat at? A five-star restaurant with no reviews? Or a three-star restaurant with thousands of excellent reviews? Probably the latter, right? It’s the same reason why people tend to frequent the same restaurants over and over again: they know what they’re getting into.

Let’s imagine you have a mental health app where users are understandably hesitant to share reviews using their full names and photos. Despite this, you can still gather compelling testimonials that effectively persuade other visitors to book a session. By allowing users to submit anonymous feedback or use initials, you can respect their privacy while highlighting the positive experiences and transformations they’ve undergone. Explore how Headspace incorporated testimonials on their website:

Testimonials are a cost-free resource that can bring incredible value to your business. When you ask your existing partners or satisfied customers for a quote, you're leveraging their positive experiences to build credibility and trust with potential clients. These endorsements, shared in their own words, can effectively highlight the benefits of your product or service. Combined with metrics and measurable results, as you can see on Trello's landing page, they can be even more convincing, providing solid evidence of your value.

Zapier found a cool way to incorporate testimonials by using short X posts as templates for a dynamic carousel on their landing page. These testimonials look like authentic social media posts shared by customers, which makes them feel relatable and genuine:

When it makes sense, showcasing industry recognition and badges from platforms like G2 on your landing page can significantly enhance your credibility. Displaying these prestigious awards and endorsements provides social proof that your product or service is highly regarded by industry experts and peers. Look what Bynder did with their reviews from G2:

Create awesome landing pages

There’s always room for improvement, and when it comes to landing pages, there are plenty of ways to boost their performance and ensure they meet your goals. We hope you enjoyed the tips compiled in this article! 

If you are looking for a way to quickly create content and assemble beautiful landing pages, feel free to schedule a 1-on-1 demo or start your 30-day trial to see how a headless CMS can help you deliver engaging digital experiences.

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