My fellow Kontentnauts, a completely revamped version of our Learn portal has been released. Instead of traditional medium-oriented education, embrace a new division by topics with tracked learning for all users.
When we started publishing our educational materials on our own headless CMS more than four years ago, our goals focused mainly on documentation and technical articles. Then, we extended the portal almost two years ago with e-learning courses and started addressing business users much more.
Today, we’ve made a step even further. It may be a small step for humankind, but it is still a step prohibited for many. We merged our e-learning and tutorials into one learning experience, open for both business and technical audiences.
Smooth learning over cumbersome courses
The structure of the portal is entirely new. Instead of deciding whether to go into tutorials or e-learning, you can directly pick the topic you want to learn.
Planning a new content project, learning how to create a good piece of content, or seeking tips for navigating a space shuttle? Well, we’re still a little weak in the space-related stuff in our portal, but otherwise, your navigation just became simpler.
In the topics, you’ll find e-learning paths full of lessons. Lessons still follow our bite-sized, microlearning approach, where you learn one thing quickly without spending hours on it. We created the new structure and its e-learning paths to reflect the individual stages when starting with
Plan – It all starts with proper planning. The better prepared you are, the quicker and more satisfactory the next stages will be.
Set up – Starting from the highest-level parts of, getting through all the configuration options.
Model – Content modeling could be a part of setting up. However, it is the alpha and omega of any successful project, so we created a separate section for it.
Develop – Overlapping with the setup and content modeling, the technical implementation comes with everything from building your app to integrations and migrations.
Create – Finally, after the configuration but still during the development, it’s time to start composing content. This section will teach the whole content creation crew to compose their content.
Similarly to the main section order, e-learning paths are also ordered by their position in the flow. To keep track of what you’ve learned so far, you can mark lessons as completed. You’ll then see your progress in Learn, and you can report your progress within your company.
During this experience, you’re still in the portal. You can still see all the navigation and more elsewhere if needed. You’re in your educational space. No more loading times. No more e-learning courses that isolate you when you’re learning.
The topics also cover the angle of you, our users. We know that you may not know all of our features, how to use them, or what we call them. And that’s alright. It’s our job to cover your needs and not write from our feature-oriented perspective.
Documentation revival
Yet sometimes, even you asked for the feature-oriented perspective. While it’s not the typical learning scenario, there are situations when typical documentation can come in handy:
When an evaluator goes through features during longlisting
When a new user needs to understand how to work with a feature
When a power user wants to know when are the right situations to use a feature
That’s why we’re reintroducing good-old feature-oriented documentation. But it’s not a separate place to go to. It is still a part of Learn, documenting all the features in You can also use our search to find what you’re looking for anywhere in the portal.
Be in control of your mission
Newly, tracking just happens as you progress through Learn. You can check which e-learning paths you and your colleagues passed in the learning statistics. Go to your profile to see them. To respect people’s privacy, only the subscription admins can see the statistics of their peers.
By the way, you don’t need to worry if you have any valid certificates from the past. You’ll be able to see them in the new portal, and their validity continues to the date designated on the certificate.
No time for any side missions?
Yes, we also sometimes need to get something quickly, and we’re overwhelmed by the changes made by the vendors of the apps we use. That’s why we’ve decided to keep the old tutorials up and running in the upcoming weeks, along with the new Learn.
Just beware that the old tutorials are not updated anymore. The API reference hasn’t been changed, so you can only find it in the new experience. We’ll gladly welcome you on your new ship when you have time during your odyssey!
Changelog is now product updates
With all these changes, we’ve also renamed our changelog to product updates. From the beginning, we’ve wanted to address both technical and business news in the product.
However, we understood from your feedback that changelog is usually perceived just as a technical resource, so we decided to rename it and create new filter options to make your experience better. Enjoy the new categories – content creation, content modeling, settings, APIs & SDKs, integrations, and educational materials.
What’s on the horizon?
Thanks to this change, we believe your educational experience will be better. But this is not the target state we have on our minds.
Soon, you can look forward to further improvements. We have plans for many new e-learning paths that will appear within Learn in the next couple of months. Along with that, some of the next big things are persona-based curated paths, a detailed faceted search, or tests to prove your skills for completed paths.
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Lucie Simonova
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