Kontent.ai welcomes two new technology MVPs

The Kontent.ai community is constantly growing, and it’s our pleasure to recognize the most active members. Following our announcement of seven new MVPs for the Strategy and Ambassador categories, we are now welcoming two new Tech MVPs.

Ondrej Polesny

Published on Aug 28, 2023

The Kontent.ai MVP program has always had a strong technical focus. In its early stages, all MVPs were developers who were primarily dedicated to sharing their knowledge and expertise with the broader community. Over time, as the community grew and attracted people from other departments beyond just development, we identified numerous active members who were more fluent in the language of business rather than code. As a result, we decided to expand the program’s scope. We introduced the Strategy and Ambassador categories and welcomed seven new MVPs.

Does that mean there is no news in the Technical category, the very foundation of the MVP program? Quite the contrary!

Today, we announce two new MVPs joining the Technical MVP program and welcome them to the extended Kontent.ai family:

Kamruz Jaman, Partner at Konabos


Nick Kooman, Web Developer at BizStream


By joining our MVP program, Kamruz and Nick now stand alongside fellow MVPs in our shared mission to provide developers worldwide with top-tier content management tools, experiences, and guidance. We are thrilled to have them on board!

Learn more about the MVP team

To learn more about the MVP program, check out the MVP Program page or simply join our Discord community.

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