Single-use content? No problem!

Martina Farkasova, Jan Cerman
5 minutes
0% complete
Reusing existing content or creating relationships between content items sounds great and efficient, right? But let’s take it from the ground up. Imagine you need to embed content like a tweet or a Youtube video. You want to use it in one place only, not reuse it. Sure, no problem! That’s what components are for.Discover the single-use structured content before we dive deeper.

Create single-use content

The easiest way to add structure to your content is to use your first superpower: components. Components are really flexible. You can embed them into any rich text element if components are allowed there. Single-use content is sometimes also referred to as one-off, channel-specific, or non-reusable. You’ll find components useful for embedding images, tweets, videos, quotes, code samples, and much more. In essence, components are just like any other content item with a set of elements and content groups. The only difference is that they are for single-use embedded content, so they don’t appear in your content inventory. This also means that you can’t reuse them in other content items.
From single-use to re-useIf you later find another use for the content in your component, you can always convert it to a content item by clicking . This conversion cannot be undone. If done by accident, archive the new item and create your component again.

Add components into rich text

You can insert content components into rich text elements by clicking and then . You can even insert components in other components and go up to 6 levels deep.Let’s now jump in and look at how to work with components in the video below.
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