Content creation: First steps
Ready to make your first creative steps in In this path, you’ll discover how to create a content item and use the available tools to compose text efficiently, insert images and other media, and preview the results of your efforts. All that in less time than what a usual coffee break takes!
Create your first content
8 minutes
In, you use a content item for every piece of content you create. Content items have a structure based on their template called a content type, and they can hold text with formatting, images, or even include other content items.This lesson will guide you through creating your first content item.
Start writing
12 minutes
Get a closer look at how the tools inside content items help you achieve your goals faster with efficiency. We’ll talk about formatting text, keyboard shortcuts to speed things up, or why certain options are sometimes unavailable. You’ll also see content item versions – the time machine in content items 🙂.After you finish this lesson, you’ll be equipped to write rich content using
Preview your content
6 minutes
We’re all visual creatures, and it helps very much to see our work in its final shape. Preview in does just that for you, and it can help reassure you in many ways.For instance, an introduction paragraph may seem totally fine length-wise in But when you see it in its actual placement on the website, you may find it looks too long.
Speed up your work with quick actions
3 minutes
Now you’re off to a good start! You’ve learned how to find content and how to use the tools inside content items, and you’ve created a valuable first piece of your content. But why stop there? In this lesson, we’ll give you some tips for efficient work with the rich text editor.
You’ve made incredible progress! You’re at the final stretch – it’s time to shine and show what you’ve learned. Dive into this test and discover just how much of a content creation expert you’ve become. Let’s see you ace it!