In, you use a content item for every piece of content you create. Content items have a structure based on their template called a content type, and they can hold text with formatting, images, or even include other content items.This lesson will guide you through creating your first content item.
Explore safely with a sample project
Kickstart your educational journey by creating a sample project in This way, you can experiment and practice safely as you progress through our learning paths.
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If you're unable to create a sample project yourself, contact your subscription admin to help you out. Once your sample project's ready, follow the exercises shown in the lessons and try them out yourself.
Create content
Let’s jump right in and create a new piece of content to get a feel of the authoring experience in the documentation about content items for a step-by-step guide on creating content items.The name you’ve given to your item serves as the item’s identifierin And because the content item name is shared across all your item’s variants, you can find your item in any language.When you work with content items, your work is safe – each change you make is saved automatically.
Find content assigned to you
More often than not, you will have content items prepared for you in advance. This might be a common scenario in larger companies where a content manager creates an empty content item for you to fill in. If that’s your case, there are several ways to get to your content.
Home tailored to you
A great place to start looking for your content in is Home. There, you can find three tabs:
Recently edited by you is a list of content items you’ve worked on recently.
Assigned to you is for content items assigned specifically to you.
Your tasks tab contains tasks assigned to you in content items.
The last two tabs can serve as a handy to-do list for you if all people in your organization use assigning content items and tasks consistently.
Search for your content
The universal way to find content items is to navigate to the content inventory under Content & assets. In Content & assets, you can search for content items by their name or content. You can also use the available filters to speed up the navigation.
Explore your content item
Now that you know how to create a content item and find it afterward, let’s see what to do before you start composing content:
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Your experience when creating content might be different depending on your set of permissions and your role in the project. If you think you need your permissions changed, contact your project manager.
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Try it yourself!Ready to put your learning into practice? Go to your project in and craft your very own content item. It's the perfect opportunity to explore the platform's capabilities and make your first mark as a content author.