Account settings

Jan Cerman, Tomas Nosek
5 minutes
You can change your account settings in your profile details.
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Change your profile image

To manage your profile image, you need a Gravatar account set up using the same email address as your account. If you don’t have a Gravatar account associated with your account’s email address, your profile image will be your name initials. For example, a person named Sofie Peletier gets a profile image with the letters SP. To set up your Gravatar account:
  1. Open Gravatar.
  2. Click Get Started Now.
  3. Enter the email address that you use to sign in to
  4. Continue following the instructions to set up your Gravatar account.
Once you’re done, your profile image will match your avatar image in Gravatar.

Change your name

  1. Click your initials in the bottom left corner.
  2. Click Profile details.
  3. Change your First name and Last name.
  4. Click Update profile to save your changes. displays your name in the app, for example, when comparing content item versions or in user management. We also use your name on certificates that you can get in Learn.
Is your content still under your former name?Typically, there's a content item that describes you as an author. Look up that content item with your former name and publish a new version with your new name.

Change your password

  1. Click your initials in the bottom left corner.
  2. Click Profile details.
  3. Click Select new password.
To ensure the highest security, you don’t change your password directly in Instead, sends you an email to your inbox. You’ll find a link to change your password there. Ensure that the password reset email has been sent by to avoid possible phishing attempts.
Using single sign-on?If you see Single Sign-On enabled when signing in to, you don't have a password for To change your password, change it in your identity provider.

Password strength requirements

When choosing a new password for your account, make sure your password meets these criteria:
  • Contains at least 10 characters.
  • Contains at least three of the following four types of characters:
    • Lowercase letters (a-z)
    • Uppercase letters (A-Z)
    • Numbers (0-9)
    • Special characters (!@#$%^&*)

Choose your notifications

Your email notification settings apply to all projects you have access to.
  1. Click your initials in the bottom left corner.
  2. Click Profile details.
  3. Under Email preferences, select what notifications you’d like to receive:
  4. Click Update preferences to save your preferences.

Change your email

Your email address is tied to your account because it serves as a sign-in to It cannot be changed.
No longer need your account?If you wish to delete your account, contact our support team using the chat button in the bottom right and we will remove the account for you.