What is metadata good for?

Boris Pocatko
3 minutes
0% complete
Metadata allows for invisible (semantic) and visible relationships between content. Sometimes, metadata is an afterthought to the actual content, but it's actually really helpful.
Metadata helps you to:
  1. Be personal with your content
  2. Adapt content to a channel
  3. Deliver relevant content in the current context
  4. (Optional) Create browsable categories

How metadata help boost your content

Tips on taxonomies

Before you start specifying your metadata categories and metadata options, verify that your taxonomies:
  1. Use “clean” language. Avoid acronyms, jargon, or an internal language that needs to be learned.
  2. Offer no more than 12–15 terms at any particular level. Beyond that, a user’s ability to quickly process it for purposes of tagging, search, or navigation plummets.
  3. Have no more than 2–3 levels. Again, the ability to process a more complex taxonomy goes down markedly with every added level.
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