Master the art of content modeling
You’ve built your content model, but how can you move it to the next level? This learning path will show how to incorporate more advanced techniques and company requirements into your model.
Make your model easy to work with
2 minutes
Content is created by authors, and the model should enable them to craft content easily. Complex and detailed structures may be in the requirements briefs, but they may cause more harm than good when implemented to the dot.
Make your model extensible, maintainable, and adaptable
5 minutes
In an ideal world, content modeling would be a one-time job. In reality, though, it’s a process of continuous refinement. Your model should be maintainable and avoid overly complex or unused structures that hinder ease of use. Strive for simplicity and fewer content types for easier management. This lesson covers building a content model that’s extensible, maintainable, and adaptable.
Make your model channel and platform independent
3 minutes
Each channel and platform has its own characteristics. For example, the web uses HTML whereas smart speakers use voice. Similarly, we'd love you to stick with, but you never know. The holy grail of a future-proof content model is for it to be platform-independent.
Improve your content model with content chunks
6 minutes
You need to make a lot of decisions when creating a content model. These decisions involve content types, their structure, their relationships, how everything fits together, and more. At the same time, all content should be easily reusable, uniform in structure, and extendable. Content chunks can achieve most of these things with ease and remove mental strain.
Model tables
9 minutes
Tables help people better understand complex information. You can use them to clearly present lists of product features, offices in the area, property listings, and so on. In, you can model this kind of information using structured content.
Consider your marketing plans
3 minutes
Marketing scenarios are often left out of the content modeling phase. Big mistake! Consider the marketing capabilities you plan to use when modeling your content.Your content model must reflect your marketing plans. For example, you might need custom elements or design how to reuse content. It's easier and more efficient to set it all up at the beginning than with a fully running project.
Control your content visuals
4 minutes
Uncover ways to give your content creators some level of control over the visual aspect of content created in