Reuse and connect content
Reuse what’s reusable. You might notice that some content types contain similar or even the same elements. Don’t duplicate, reuse instead. Plus, you can get a glimpse at what relationships your content types have to connect with other content.
Reuse repeated content and elements
Repeated content
In the example content model, there are several places where repeated content is:- Blog post contains an author, that will be repeated (one author usually writes many articles).
- Images are usually used in multiple places with the same title and alternative text.
Repeated elements
Again, in the example content model, there are several places with repeated elements:- All widget types contain How widgets work, Title, and Subtitle.
- Article and Blog post contain Title or Body copy.
Repeated content
If you have an element with a part of the content that repeats a lot (like
in URLs), set a default value for the element.When you create a new content item, the element gets pre-filled with the default value, and you can adjust it if needed.
You can set default values for the asset, custom element, date & time, linked items, multiple choice, number, subpages, taxonomy, and text elements.
Remember, if an element repeats with content as a whole, convert it to a content item and reuse it like that.Connect the content types with relationships
One of the first sentences in this tutorial said that content models are mainly about relationships among content types. This step will be mainly about noting them in the diagram.
Types of relationships
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