Before you model content
Before you dive into modeling a full-fledged content model for your organization, there are a couple of things to consider that will multiply the impact. This learning path will walk you through all the handy prerequisites, things to know about modeling, and tools to help you through the process.
What to do before you model your content
2 minutes
Content modeling involves a lot of decision-making. For example, there are different ways to implement relationships between content items or how to model layouts and pages. You will need to focus your energy on these decisions, and it’s easier when you’ve come prepared.
Audit your content and content creation process
5 minutes
Embracing regular content audits is not just a good habit; it’s a cornerstone for ensuring your content remains relevant and useful. While you have your analytical and content optimization tools, auditing lets you assess if your content answers your users’ questions. With content audits, you can finesse the creation process to produce quality versus quantity content for an impactful experience.
Content modeling terminology
10 minutes
Before you move further, let's go through what can come in handy in different situations. Bookmark this page for later when you're modeling content. But even passive knowledge can make a difference when you read further.
Tools that’ll help you with content modeling
2 minutes
Discover the essential tools that will become your allies in the content modeling journey. You can rely on these instruments for brainstorming sessions, data analysis, crafting tables and diagrams, and consulting schema references.
Main modeling principles
4 minutes
Ready to craft a content modeling strategy? This lesson will explain in detail the modeling principles to figure out your core content types, outline key relationships, and shape the content structure. Plus, you’ll see why involving stakeholders to evaluate what should be in the content model for an effective creation process is necessary.Â