Make your model extensible, maintainable, and adaptable
In an ideal world, content modeling would be a one-time job. In reality, though, it’s a process of continuous refinement. Your model should be maintainable and avoid overly complex or unused structures that hinder ease of use. Strive for simplicity and fewer content types for easier management. This lesson covers building a content model that’s extensible, maintainable, and adaptable.
Check what would be necessary and what would break if you tried to:- Add new elements/items/types
- Change the order of elements/items/types
- Change the names of elements/items/types
- Change the structures of elements/items/types
- Delete elements/items/types
- You add items or elements
- You don’t fill out elements that don’t have validation setup
- You change the order of elements
- You change the name (not codename) of elements
Set up yearly content model reviews where you check how certain content types are used. This can be a joint effort together with content audits. Content audits are maybe even more important than content model reviews, so make sure you perform them regularly. Check if duplicate content is created due to your setup, for example, creating new content instead of reusing existing components. Check if the content pieces with high return on investment (ROI) are well maintained and if you are getting the most out of that content. For example, does it make sense to chunk it further to reuse parts of it elsewhere? Once you create your content model, check if you can simplify your content types and merge the ones that can be merged. Following approaches touched upon in extensibility, such as using content type snippets, will help with maintainability as well. Naming elements according to a predefined pattern will also allow developers to predict codenames in code. Although they can’t rely on it, it is much easier to write code if you have a predictable pattern present. This pattern is then also returned by the JSON, so the content model is easier to interpret. By using snippets, it’s easier to follow these conventions as instead of specifying the fields in multiple locations, you only do it once. Content type snippets also help with the simplification and merging of content types. This helps you keep the number of types low. Try to be as generic with your content types as possible while moving any specifics into the taxonomy of the given type (Article left & Article right vs Article with a taxonomy alignment). These taxonomies and some of the more generic fields might be implemented via snippets.Adaptability
Chunking is a significant aspect of adaptable content. To be able to adapt your content for other, previously not thought of, use cases, it has to be sufficiently structured and chunked. These content chunks can be easily reused later on. They help with maintenance as they promote reuse and prevent duplication. But don’t go overboard – you could hurt usability.Using content chunks in is easy. The first step is to create a content type representing your chunk. As mentioned under maintainability, generic content types are preferable, so these chunks need to be as generic as possible. The more choices you have, the more complex the implementation and usability will be.Taxonomy or multiple-choice selectors will help you to indicate the behavior modification of the chunk if necessary. If you don’t know where to start and what chunks to create, create a generic one called, for example, “reusable text”, and move from there.