5 spine-chilling challenges that keep content authors up at night

As the leaves turn, we take a look at the spookiest things about creating content and how a CMS like Kontent.ai can help calm your content nightmares.

Monica Raszyk

Published on Oct 29, 2024

Creating content shouldn’t be scary. But sometimes the content production process in your CMS can be a haunted house of missed deadlines, errors, and inefficiencies. In this blog, we share five of the spookiest things that keep content authors up at night and explore how using a modern content management system like Kontent.ai can help banish content ghouls for good. 

1. Cobwebs in your content repository

Multiple pieces of content sitting in draft purgatory? The same stock images duplicated over and over again in your asset library? If you haven’t done a content audit in a while, now’s a good time to clear out the cobwebs and make sure your content repository serves you and your teams well. 

Working in a disorganized content hub can lead to nightmarish consequences, such as:

  • Time wasted searching for documents or information
  • Redundant work caused by multiple employees duplicating efforts 
  • Version control issues and inconsistencies in information
  • Team members relying on outdated or incorrect documents
  • Regulatory violations if documentation is not properly organized and retrievable

Kontent.ai tricks

  • Automatic content expiration allows you to schedule when content should be unpublished, making sure it’s removed at the right time. So you can keep your content fresh and up-to-date.
Easily schedule and unschedule time-limied content
  • The unchanged unpublished content items widget in Mission Control allows you to monitor drafts or content that was created but never published. Reviewing these items helps you evaluate whether they should be updated and published, repurposed, or discarded.
Mission Control provides deep insights into your content freshness
Check out our practical guide on content audits

Get advice on who should be involved in a content audit; how often content audits should be done; steps of a successful content audit; real-life tips for a successful content audit; and tools that can help you with the process. Visit the guide now.

2. The draft that ghosts you

You’ve poured a lifetime into your detailed draft, only for a technical glitch or software update to suddenly make it disappear. Rewriting from scratch rarely captures the original flow and often feels draining. Plus, there is nothing more haunting than a perfect turn of phrase you’ll never be able to replicate. 

Kontent.ai tricks

  • Surprisingly, not all content management systems have an autosave feature in their authoring experience! Thankfully, Kontent.ai does, so you never have to worry about losing your precious work. Combined with other key authoring features that keep drafts safe–collision detection, content locking, and version control–you ain’t afraid of no ghosts.
Collaboration features in Kontent.ai

3. I put a spell-ing error on you

You publish a new piece of content only to discover a glaring typo or incorrect fact staring back at you in the published version. Once the content goes live, mistakes are out there for everyone to see—and sometimes, your audience notices before you do. An uncaught error can lead to a loss of credibility, embarrassing corrections, or frantic revision sessions. Don’t let a mistake be immortalized. With a CMS like Kontent.ai, content can be easily updated by content authors themselves with no IT involvement. 

Kontent.ai tricks

  • Because Kontent.ai is a headless CMS (not a horseman), it means that content production is decoupled from content presentation. This split in functionality enables content authors to write, edit, and update content without having to contact their IT teams. Make the same spelling error more than once? Make sure it doesn’t haunt every page it’s on. With a Create Once, Publish Everywhere (COPE) approach, the fix you make once will be instantly propagated to every instance automatically.

With Kontent.ai, we’ve reached a new level of flexibility and control over webpage creation. Now, I can do exactly what I want to do with my webpage: changing the page structure, a single image, or phone number that’s used in a dozen places was never easier.

Emma Phillips

Head of Group Marketing, IDHL Group

4. The road to nowhere

A broken link can curse your user experience, leaving visitors feeling wary about the site’s credibility. It may also send search engine rankings into the abyss. What are the real horrors of a link that leads nowhere?

  • Broken links disrupt the flow of information, leading to frustration for users who expect to access specific content. This can create a negative impression of the website.
  • A website with many broken links may appear unprofessional causing users to doubt your trustworthiness
  • Search engines like Google consider broken links as a signal of a poorly maintained site, which can lead to lower search rankings
  • A broken link might mean that valuable information or resources are no longer available, potentially causing gaps in knowledge or incomplete research
  • In some cases, a broken link could signal that the page has been removed due to security issues, such as malware or hacking, which can be frankly alarming

Kontent.ai tricks

  • Kontent.ai can prevent broken links from happening in the first place, with the help of proper content modeling. In your content model, it’s possible to limit which content types can be used in a link.

    Setting these limits can ensure that only published, publicly accessible content items are used in links. In this way, content modeling supports editors and authors by acting as a guardrail. It prevents simple user error from creating broken links in a production site, avoiding all the pitfalls that broken links can cause.
Limit which content types can be used in a link

5. Jumpscare feedback

After sending a final draft for approvals, you relax just enough for unexpected feedback to grab your ankles. Revision requests based on ideas or standards that were never mentioned initially can make the approvals process feel like an eternity.

Kontent.ai tricks

  • When custom workflows in Kontent.ai, you can easily set up different approval steps for different types of content. That way, the right stakeholders and subject matter experts are involved at the right times.
  • AI content reviews are a great way to apply your specific content guidelines to every piece of content. With everyone using the same guidelines to check content, you won’t get as much unexpected feedback later down the line. Fewer review rounds, more consistent content, and faster time-to-publish. Sounds like magic! Explore more AI features.

Make content management a treat with Kontent.ai

These eerie experiences are almost a rite of passage for many content authors, but a CMS like Kontent.ai can be your light in the dark. To learn more about the benefits, large and small, of a modern CMS, get in touch!

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