Explore AI

Enable every member of the team with productivity-boosting AI skills. Brainstorm, develop, edit, organize, and publish content in Kontent.ai, with AI providing support for every step. Cut out tedious manual processes and give your team more time to focus on creating the best content for your audiences.

Increase content velocity with Author Assist

Go from a blank slate to a first draft in record time with Author Assist. Get in-the-moment assistance right in the place where content is created. Summarize text, create titles, change tone with just a click. For bigger tasks, give freeform instructions directly in Kontent.ai, and see them carried out immediately.

Improve governance with Content Assist

Increase content discoverability and reusability by automating organization. Content Assist simplifies and speeds up the work of content governance, leveraging AI to turn tasks that used to be tedious into one-click actions. Tag and organize content, assign taxonomies and more with the help of AI.

Amplify content impact with Publish Assist

Expand your brand by creating content that resonates with a broader audience. Publish Assist increases the reach of both new and existing content by using AI to help get content in front of the right people. AI translations of content for multiple regions and locales built right into Kontent.ai make the localization process fast and efficient.

Committed to responsible AI

Aligned with best practices

  • We follow the NIST AI Risk Management Framework
  • We utilize a toolkit including the HAX framework to build AI in a responsible way

Compliant with the EU AI Act from day 1

  • We commit to be compliant with the EU AI Act from the first day of its applicability
  • We follow the best practices of capAI

Committed to good stewardship

  • We use AI with guaranteed customer data privacy and security
  • We provide a clear shared responsibility model over AI

With AI in Kontent.ai, we can work more efficiently, and produce work on a greater scale. It’s faster to create text, to translate it, and to generate more variants, which helps us to create more personalized content that resonates with our customers.

Marc LamotheDirector of Web Technology, American Bath Group

The best place to work with AI

Create and collaborate in real time, with powerful AI skills available right in the authoring experience. An editorial calendar, comments, suggestions, co-editing, versioning and more combine with AI capabilities to create the best way for teams to collaborate and publish consistent, relevant content.

Put controls in place to ensure all content, including any touched by AI, is well-vetted. Role-based workflows in Kontent.ai allow different flows for different content types, which helps make sure content is created according to your business processes.

Create, edit, update, and test content within the context of how it will look on your webpages and applications. Get instant visual feedback on how content touched by AI looks and feels in context, while navigating content via a familiar tree-like structure in Web Spotlight.

Start creating with AI

In Kontent.ai, AI supports every step of your content operations. Schedule a demo today to see how.