Blog author

Ondrej Polesny

Ondrej is a former Developer Evangelist at

A developer adding recaptcha v3 to a Next.js site
  • For developers
Stop bothering people with reCaptcha; use reCaptcha

Are you using reCaptcha v2 to protect forms against bots? While it works well, it forces a lot of your visitors to keep picking traffic lights, motorcycles, and pathways before actually submitting the data. Is v3 going to help?

Ondrej Polesny

Oct 3, 2023

Marketers reading an announcement
  • Company news welcomes two new technology MVPs

The community is constantly growing, and it’s our pleasure to recognize the most active members. Following our announcement of seven new MVPs for the Strategy and Ambassador categories, we are now welcoming two new Tech MVPs.

Ondrej Polesny

Aug 28, 2023

Developer testing cookies with Playwright
  • For developers
How to test cookies using end-to-end tests and Playwright

Cookies are a vital part of any website, not only for tracking purposes but for core functionalities too. It’s AB tests, personalization, or any feature that needs to preserve some visitor-specific data. How can you test the cookie-based functionality using Playwright?

Ondrej Polesny

Mar 15, 2023

Developer AB implementing AB tests
  • For developers
How to start A/B testing your Next.js site

A/B tests are crucial in evaluating the performance of landing pages or forms. Sometimes even for little component or text tweaks on your website. How can you set them up with a headless CMS and Next.js?

Ondrej Polesny

Jan 29, 2023

Generating RSS in Next.js
  • For developers
How to generate RSS feed in Next.js

It seems the RSS era is long gone, but there are still many valid use cases for generating RSS feeds. If your Next.js site has lots of content, how can you generate an RSS feed?

Ondrej Polesny

Oct 10, 2022

Handling redirects in Next.js
  • For developers
How to build URLs and handle redirects in Next.js

Is your Next.js site getting larger, and URLs are getting out of hand? How can you ensure URL consistency, observe editors’ changes and issue proper redirects if URL slugs change?

Ondrej Polesny

Sep 14, 2022

How to run scripts before every build on Next.js
  • For developers
How to run scripts before every build on Next.js

Next.js is the most advanced Jamstack framework these days, yet it does not provide a smooth solution for running tasks before build time. How can you add pre-build scripts to your pipeline?

Ondrej Polesny

Aug 24, 2022

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