What are digital and content maturities?

David Klement, Michael Andrews
20 minutes
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Find out what digital and content maturities are and how to evaluate them using maturity dimensions.

Common issues of less mature organizations

Before diving into the difference between digital and content maturities, let’s find out:
  • What are the typical issues of less mature teams are.
  • What prevents such teams from moving forward.
  • Outline of possible solutions to these issues.

Content maturity vs. digital maturity

Usually, organizations have two kinds of teams:
  • content creators who are focused on content operations and produce content;
  • developers who are focused on developer operations and take care of technical aspects of content production.
Similarly to operations being split into content and developer ones, maturities are split into content and digital ones. You can improve digital maturity by using a single headless content hub like Kontent.ai to solve the silos problem. That also helps content maturity as the content teams can share best practices and workflow, structure the content and reuse it across the organization. Watch the video below to get a clear view of the distinction between digital and content maturity.

Digital or content maturity?

Decide whether the statements on the left talk about digital or content maturity.
Digital maturity
Content maturity

Dimensions of maturity

Dimensions in digital maturity evaluate how the development teams deliver projects. Content maturity dimensions deal with how focused on customers the company is or whether it produces its content on demand or aligns it with longer-term company goals.Watch the video to learn about digital and content maturity dimensions. These dimensions are scales you can use to evaluate your team or company’s maturity.
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