Decide what workflows you need
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Different kinds of content may require different steps to go through in their workflow. For instance, legal content needs a more thorough review process than blog posts.When setting up workflows for your organization, we recommend you think through establishing roles for your users and then use those roles to set up workflows for effective content strategy.
Audit types of your content
Your workflows need to reflect how you work with your content, as well as what types of content you work with. Before setting up workflows, we recommend you undergo a discovery phase to map what kinds of content you have. Once you know your content inventory, note how each type of content flows through its lifecycle and who works with it at each stage. You’ll use this knowledge to realize how many separate workflows you need as well as to match these workflows to the user roles.Map content to workflows
During the content audit, you’ve likely found that you work differently with different kinds of content. To account for that, group your types of content according to how you work with them. Types in one group will use the same workflow, and you’ll have a separate workflow for each group. While using separate workflows for different kinds of content is beneficial, try not to make the distinctions too granular. A high number of workflows can be hard to maintain in the long run.Define workflow scopes
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