9 website content ideas for your business

We’ve all been there. We sit down at our computer and think: “I need to create some new content!” And then spend the next half hour staring at a blank screen, wondering what could help attract more people to your site. In this article, we’re going to share 9 website content ideas for both small and large businesses so you can start writing right away.

Zaneta Styblova

Updated on Apr 11, 2023

Published on Feb 17, 2022

Publishing new content regularly is essential for SEO

As you build your website, it is important to remember that the content you produce will be one of the main reasons people visit your site. In addition, the text, images, and media on your website influence people’s decisions about whether or not to buy from you. With so much riding on having quality content, it’s also critical to make sure that you are publishing on a regular basis. This may seem like a lot of work, and some people may be tempted to simply put up a few pages and call it good. However, if you want to maximize website traffic, sales, and brand awareness, then publishing quality content regularly should be one of the top priorities for your online business.

Engaging content is necessary for multiple reasons:

  1. It helps people understand who you are, what you do, and how you can help them.
  2. It acts as an information source for other businesses that link to yours.
  3. It gives people something interesting and relevant to share with their networks.

But how can you generate new content ideas?

How can you figure out what your audience wants to read and how to make them engage with your stories? The easiest way to generate content ideas is to look at what your competitors are publishing and how much engagement their posts are getting.

When you know what content works for others in your industry, you can craft something better and more useful. You can also find out where there’s room for improvement by looking at which topics drive the most traffic but don’t get many shares, links, or comments.

It’s also a good idea to monitor any questions your customers are asking you—in person, online, or over the phone. These questions can spark creative ideas for website content that will offer solutions to common problems your prospects are experiencing.

9 best website content ideas

Content comes in all shapes and sizes. Articles, blog posts, infographics, videos, webinars...There are lots of different types of content you can create to attract your audience. The great thing about content is that there’s no single way to do it right. You can experiment with various forms of content and figure out which works best for you.

To get you inspired, here are 9 best website content ideas that are proven to attract customers. Looking for website content ideas, but not necessarily business related? No worries! We’ll also pay attention to some other content ideas to attract all kinds of audiences online. 

For your convenience, we’ve divided the content ideas into the following categories: 

  • Business website content ideas
  • Personal website content ideas
  • Website content ideas for beginners

Let’s dive in! 

Business website content ideas

In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for any business. Your website is often the first point of contact for potential customers, making it crucial to have engaging and informative content that showcases your products or services. What are some types of content that can help you build a strong online presence and drive traffic to your website?

#1 How-to guides

Whether you’re selling a physical product or a service, how-to guides can be a powerful way to boost customer satisfaction and loyalty. It’s a low-cost way of providing value, and it’s also a great way for your brand to stand out in the marketplace.

Let’s say your company sells backpacks. You could write how-to articles like:

  • How to choose the best travel backpack
  • How to pack everything you need in your backpack
  • How to travel through Europe on a budget

Even if you sell an intangible service, such as website development, you can still write relevant how-to guides, for example:

  • How to build your first business website
  • How to build a mobile app with JavaScript

This type of content is highly informative and detailed. It can be in the form of an article (like this one) or a video. The key is to explain a specific process step by step to your readers so they can apply it to their lives. People love how-to guides because they are educational, easy to follow, and they also save time.

#2 Podcasts and audiograms

Podcasts are easier to consume than written text and save you time while doing something else. They also present a great opportunity for you to get in front of an entirely new audience by being featured as a guest on other podcasts.

The best part is that podcasts are relatively cheap to produce. If you’re in a small business or startup, you don’t have a huge marketing budget, so it makes sense to use whatever resources you have available to you. With that in mind, using recordings from meeting rooms (or even just your phone) can make for good podcast audio.

To help spread your podcast across various social media channels once it’s created, consider making short audiograms from the audio file of each episode of your podcast that you want to promote. Take advantage of this by grabbing a few quotes from each episode and designing an audiogram around them. It’s a quick way to reuse existing content and help it reach more people!

#3 Case studies and testimonials

Case studies and testimonials are some of the most important ways to establish your credibility and influence your potential customers’ purchasing decisions. They could even be more persuasive than reviews, which customers usually read after they’ve already made up their minds about purchasing.

Case studies are more detailed reports about how your product or service has helped a particular customer solve their problems. Testimonials, on the other hand, are brief statements that highlight an aspect of your product or service. Testimonials can be in written or video form, and they can be used as stand-alone content pieces or incorporated into a longer text like an article or case study:

With Kontent.ai as headless CMS, our content editors can really focus on the content they want to produce, without being confronted with structural design choices on how it will be displayed on different channels.

Henri De Roeck

Digital Enterprise Architect, The Reference

A testimonial is an effective form of social proof that helps eliminate potential buyers’ trust issues with your brand. You can also use it to boost your conversion rates by showcasing your happy customers’ before-and-after experience with your product or service.

#4 “Most popular” lists

As a business, you probably have many products and services that you offer to your customers. Creating a list of the most popular products or services will not only bring in more visits to your website but will also help increase sales. The main reason why people like reading lists is because they are so easy to get through. You don’t have to spend hours reading long paragraphs to see what exactly is being said—you can simply skim through the list to find something interesting.

This applies to every industry and niche. For example, if you run an online store that sells tech gadgets, you may create a list of the “Top 10 selling tech gadgets” for your blog post.

#5 Checklists and cheat sheets

Checklists (or cheat sheets) are much more than just a boring “to do” list—they can be powerful tools for your business, providing an effective way for your visitors to gain knowledge and take action on it. 

Moreover, when people are looking for information on the internet, they want it fast. So anything that saves them time is going to be more valuable than something that wastes it. If you give them a resource that helps them get what they need quickly, then you’re providing real value to them.

These resources come in a variety of forms (web pages, PDFs, images), but all share a common purpose: to provide an easy-to-remember and easy-to-reference set of instructions or guidelines that people can use when taking on a specific task or project.

#6 Whitepapers

These long-form pieces of content are perfect for winning over leads with their in-depth analysis of a certain topic. They are a great way to highlight what your business has to offer and show that you’re an expert in your field. However, they can take a long time to write and require you to be in the right mind frame to get it done. With that in mind, here are two tips on how you can quickly create great whitepapers:

  1. Make sure you have a plan – Before you start writing, make sure that everything is planned out properly. You need to decide what the topic will be, who it will be written for, and what your call to action (CTA) should be at the end of the whitepaper.
  2. Get an outline together – Drafting a detailed outline should include what chapters or sections will make up the whitepaper, what each section will be about, and how many words it should have. It’s also important that you create subheads for each section—this will help make the piece much easier to read or skim through.

#7 Reports

Data, especially when paired with dynamic visualizations, has become an extremely valuable resource for marketers. If you’ve already collected some interesting information from customers, prospects, attendees of your event, or other respondents, a report is a great way to repurpose that information into a whole new type of content.

If you want to start from scratch, you can draft a survey (ideally in collaboration with your UX researchers who know how to ask the right questions) and then use an online tool such as Typeform or hire an external agency to collect the data for you. However, keep in mind you have to define the target audience for your survey; otherwise, you’ll end up with data that doesn’t tell you much about the market and is hard to use.

Once you get the data, it’s time to make sense of it. Find out what intrigues, frustrates, or confuses your customers and create content around these findings. You’ll be surprised at just how much material you can come up with using this method — from blog posts, infographics, and quizzes to reports and webinars!

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#8 Ebooks

Ebooks are great lead magnets and can be used in many different ways. They serve as excellent marketing tools, offering potential clients advice they will find useful and valuable, and they give them a reason to fill in a form on your website—like whitepapers, ebooks are usually offered in exchange for a user’s personal information so you can add them to your email newsletter list, follow up with them via email, and continue offering them content they will find relevant over the long term.

#9 Interviews

Producing interviews with your employees, customers, or industry experts is one of the best website content ideas. You can show readers how they can benefit from your product or service and provide unique insights into your business and the field you operate in. Interviews are great for sharing personal stories, opinions on trends, and topics relevant to your audience. Plus, they build deeper relationships with your audience by showing them the human side of your business.

These can be published as articles or recorded as podcasts that we mentioned above. Although such an article may not have many backlinks pointing towards it at first instance (which could affect its SEO), this type of content has many other benefits in terms of building brand awareness among potential customers as well as strengthening relationships with current clients who see it as a way to get their voices heard by others in their community.

Personal website content ideas

A personal website is a great way to showcase your interests, skills, and personality to the world. Whether you’re a freelancer, a creative professional, or simply looking to build your online presence, there are endless content ideas that can help you create a compelling personal website.

#1 Portfolio or work samples

A personal website is a great place to showcase your work and highlight your skills and accomplishments. Whether you’re a writer, photographer, designer, or any other type of creative professional, you can use your website to display your portfolio and work samples. 

This can include writing samples, photographs, design projects, and more. Not only does this help potential clients or employers see what you’re capable of, but it also allows you to express your creativity and style.

#2 About Me page

An "About Me" page is an essential part of any personal website. It’s where you can introduce yourself to your visitors and provide a brief overview of your background, skills, and interests. You can also use this page to share your personal mission or values, as well as any achievements you’ve earned.

This page serves as a way to allow visitors to get to know the person behind the website. For that reason, it can help you establish trust, connect with your audience, differentiate yourself, and increase engagement with your content.

#3 Personal recommendations or favorites lists

This type of content is especially effective for bloggers, influencers, or anyone with a niche interest or hobby. For example, if you have a passion for cooking, you could create a list of your favorite kitchen gadgets, cookbooks, or ingredients. If you are a fashion enthusiast, you could share your favorite brands, online stores, or styling tips.

Creating a personal recommendations or favorites list not only provides value to your audience by sharing your expertise and recommendations, but it also allows your audience to get to know you on a more personal level. It can help build trust and loyalty with your followers and even attract new ones who share similar interests. Additionally, it can be a great way to generate affiliate income by including affiliate links to the products or services you recommend.

#4 Personal blog

A personal blog can be a great way to share your thoughts and experiences with the world. You can write about a wide range of topics, from personal stories and reflections to opinions on current events or industry trends. Blogging also provides an opportunity to connect with other like-minded individuals and build a community around your interests.

For example, if you’re an avid traveler, a travel diary can be a fun and engaging way to share your experiences with others. This type of content is not only entertaining, but it can also be informative and inspiring for others who are planning their own travels.

#5 Vlogs or other video content

Creating personal video content is a great way to connect with your audience on a more personal level. Vlogging has become increasingly popular in recent years, with platforms like YouTube and TikTok making it easier than ever for anyone to create and share video content.

In addition, video content has become increasingly important in today’s digital landscape. Currently, video is the most popular type of content on the internet – by creating video content, you can tap into its massive audience and reach potential customers or followers in a more engaging and memorable way.

Website content ideas for beginners

As a beginner, it can be challenging to come up with ideas for your website content that are both relevant and effective. But don’t worry – we’ve got your back! The following content ideas can help jumpstart your content creation process and provide you with a roadmap for developing content that resonates with your audience. 

#1 Infographics

If you’re looking for a way to make your website content stand out and engage your audience, then creating infographics might be the solution you need. Infographics are visual representations of information, data, or knowledge that use graphics, icons, and images to convey complex ideas in an easy-to-digest format.

One of the main advantages of using infographics is that they are highly shareable. People love to share visual content on social media, and infographics are no exception. By creating an infographic, you are providing your audience with a valuable piece of content that they will want to share with their friends and followers.

#2 Industry news and trends

Writing about industry news and trends is a great website content idea for beginners, as it allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in your industry and keep your audience informed and engaged. By providing up-to-date information about your industry, you position yourself as a thought leader and a go-to source for information. 

You can share your own perspective on industry news and trends, and provide analysis and insights that help your audience better understand the changes happening in your industry. This type of content can also help you attract new followers and customers who are interested in staying informed about your industry. 

Additionally, writing about industry news and trends can help you establish relationships with other thought leaders and influencers in your industry, which can lead to collaboration opportunities and increased exposure for your brand. Overall, sharing industry news and trends can be a valuable marketing strategy that helps you build your reputation, attract new followers, and deepen your relationships with your existing audience.

#3 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) not only provide valuable information to website visitors, but they also help establish your website as a credible and trustworthy source of information. FAQs can be particularly useful for new websites or businesses, as they can address common questions and concerns that potential customers may have.

One of the main benefits of including FAQs on your website is that they can save time and effort for both you and your customers. By addressing common questions upfront, you can reduce the number of inquiries and support requests that you receive.

FAQs can also help improve your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. By including relevant keywords and phrases in your FAQs, you can increase the chances of your website showing up in search engine results for related queries. Additionally, providing useful and informative content on your website can help increase engagement and drive more traffic to your site.

#4 Glossaries

Glossaries are an ideal website content idea for beginners because they’re relatively easy to create and require minimal resources. If you’re just starting with content creation, a glossary is a great way to start building your website’s content library. You can begin by creating a basic list of terms and definitions, and then add to it as you go along. Additionally, by researching and defining relevant terms, you’re also expanding your own knowledge and becoming more proficient in your industry.

Incorporating a glossary into your website also has several benefits for your marketing efforts. By creating a valuable resource that addresses your audience’s needs, you’re increasing the likelihood of attracting more traffic to your website. Additionally, as your glossary grows, you’ll begin to rank for more keywords related to your industry, increasing your website’s visibility in search engines.

#5 Product reviews

Product reviews provide valuable insights into a product’s features, benefits, and drawbacks, helping customers make informed purchasing decisions. For beginners in content creation, writing product reviews can be a great way to start building their content portfolio while sharing their opinion on products they have used. Writing product reviews can also help beginners establish themselves as experts in their industry or niche. 

By providing detailed and honest feedback on products, they can build trust with their audience and demonstrate their knowledge of the industry. This can be particularly beneficial for those just starting out and looking to establish their authority and credibility.

Dive into content creation

So, which of these content and web page topic ideas are you going to use for your website? 🤗 If you’re still unsure how to start creating content, or where to even begin, we’re here to help—schedule your one-on-one guided tour to see how Kontent.ai can streamline your whole content creation process, from drafting ideas through writing to publishing and optimization.


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