It’s not unusual to have the top 3 articles displayed on your home page. That can be driven via traffic analytics based on click-throughs, time spent reading, or they might even be curated. What's the best approach to model it in
Discuss your requirements when you’d like to implement a curated content section. For example, the need to influence the order of content, its expiration, or the number of items in your list can change your modeling decisions.There are two typical examples elaborated further.
Curated content in a limited space
If you have a specific number of places on your website or a different medium, the most suitable approach is to have the list in one content item. Implement the list as linked items so that ordering the items is a breeze too.This makes managing the curated section straightforward for your content creators. They can do it from one place and always know which content items are among the highlighted ones.
Reordering highligted articles used as curated content on the homepage
Curated content in an unlimited space
If you’d like to include more content, enable editors to toggle if the content item should be among the highlighted content.In the content type, add a Multiple choice element that content creators will select if they want to put that item into the curated section.This approach is suitable, for example, if you have a carousel with an unlimited number of items in it.
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