Add “missing” CMS features

Boris Pocatko, Tomas Nosek
3 minutes
Content types
0% complete
Moving from traditional CMS platforms into, it may seem that there are features missing. Where are quotes, charts, and other visuals? Where can I remove an article from the navigation?
Since every company’s content model is different, this is not predefined. It’s up to you to define these options. A traditional CMS can come with quotes and testimonials, but that’s it. You get only what you see.With a headless CMS, you are the true king of your content model and, therefore, the king of content and possibilities. Thinking semantically, these visual structures are usually not needed. However, if the planned usage is suitable, re-creating them as part of your model is always an option.

Testimonials, quotes, charts, and other one-time content

If you still want to use a page designer functionality, you can use a set of content types representing different widgets, such as Image gallery, Quote, Testimonial, or Chart. Allow these content types in a rich text area or as linked items in a relevant content type (typically called Landing page), and you can achieve the same result but with unlimited options over such widgets. If you need specific functionality, such as an image selector from DAM or a markdown editor, use a custom element.
Don’t forget to configure the preview and edit links so that your content creators can see what the content is going to look like in the end.
You can also create a Page setting content type snippet allowing you, for example, to specify if the page shows up in the navigation, be excluded from the search, or be excluded from the robots.txt file. However, you will need a developer to implement a code that fetches the values of what’s selected in the element to show or exclude your page.