
David Klement, Jan Cerman
3 minutes
Taxonomy / Content items
Tag and label your content items using taxonomies. With tagged content, you can use filters to find the right content faster. This way you can easily perform bulk actions like publishing and scheduling.
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Tag content items

Before you can tag content items with taxonomies, your project manager first needs to adjust the content model so that there are taxonomy elements to use.
To tag a content item:
  1. In Content & assets, open the item you want to tag.
  2. Find the desired taxonomy element.
  3. Tag the item by selecting a term from the list.
That's it. Repeat as needed.

Let AI suggest the right taxonomy terms

You can use AI to suggest which taxonomy terms from a selected taxonomy group are the most relevant to the content in your content item.
To categorize content with AI, you need to activate it in Innovation Lab.
To suggest relevant taxonomy terms, the AI reads through texts in your content item and suggests taxonomy terms that are the most relevant to the texts. The AI only suggests terms that are in the taxonomy group selected for the current taxonomy element.
  1. In Content & assets, open the item you want to tag.
  2. Find the desired taxonomy element.
  3. Click  Suggest with AI.
  4. Once the suggested terms show up, you can:
    • Click the  button to remove a term. 
    • Add more terms manually.
    •  Undo your edits of the term selection.
    •  Add the selected terms to the content item.
    •  Try again and see if you get better suggestions.
    •  Discard the suggestions.
To get meaningful suggestions, make sure that:

Find tagged content

With your content tagged, you can filter your content items by taxonomy terms.
  1. In Content & assets, use the taxonomy filter on the left.
  2. From the Taxonomy dropdown list, select a taxonomy term or two.
The content list updates automatically with items matching your criteria.

Perform bulk operations on tagged content

When you refine your filter, you can publish the matching content items.
  1. Select the items you want to process.
    • If you need to select all the items, select the checkbox next to the Name column header.
  2. Click icon on the right above the content item list and select one of the actions like Publish or Change workflow step.