When setting up your team in Kontent.ai, you create roles in your project and choose from several permissions. Each permission defines what your users can do within a project.This reference explains what each permission enables users to do.
You can allow users to work with all content or only the content items assigned to them. The role can be further defined by setting which specific content types and content groups the role can work with.If there are specific content types and content groups that you don’t want the role to work with, exceptions can be added to the role.
Active permissions and workflows
The content capabilities of a given role can be further restricted by your project's content workflows setup. For each workflow step, you can limit which roles can work on content in the given step and move it to the following steps.For example, if you want only Project managers to be able to publish content:
Set up your workflow steps so that only a single step transitions to the Published step; for example, a step named Approved.
Limit the Approved workflow step to the Project manager user role.
Content model
The Manage content types, asset type, and snippetspermission allows users to:
Multiple workflows and restrictions on the first workflow stepIf you have multiple workflows enabled in your project, role restrictions on the first workflow step work a bit differently.When a user creates a content item in a workflow where they can't work with the first step, the item gets created in the first step anyway but the user can't work with the item because of their role permissions.In case you don't have multiple workflows enabled, users whose role can't work with the first workflow step create content items in the first step they can work with.